
Course ID Course Name Credit Hours Catalog Listing
ITEC 3860 Software Development I 4 Catalog Link


Course ID Course Name Credit Hours Catalog Listing
ITEC 4220 Advanced Data Analytics 4 Catalog Link
ITEC 3900 Professional Practice and Ethics 3 Catalog Link

Select one sequence from the following:

1. Enterprise Sequence (must take both)

Course ID Course Name Credit Hours Catalog Listing
ITEC 4150 Enterprise Process Integration 4 Catalog Link
ITEC 4750 Enterprise Architecture Design 4 Catalog Link

2. Software Sequence (select two from the following)

Course ID Course Name Credit Hours Catalog Listing
ITEC 3870 Software Development II 4 Catalog Link
ITEC 4000 Cloud Computing Technologies 4 Catalog Link
ITEC 4200 Advanced Databases 4 Catalog Link